Attainable Influence Of smartphone And Wearables Technology


 The influence of wearable device has not been exposed towards human beings till today as this technology is still in its growing phase. Wearable technology has to be connected to a smartphone to activate its own functioning. This feature would make this explicit technology to delay its presence among the public, albeit on an average 35% of growth can be expected from this incredible technology. Till today, wearable technology are seen and heard only in the form of best smart watches. But the innovations that are yet to be born under wearable technologies are absurd.

                Have you ever wondered about using your phone hands-free? Wearable technology would help you to do that. Through wearable technology, can make hands-free calls, photographs and even video clips. Wearable smart glasses would help a consumer to stream and watch any favorite match of yours. Two way streaming is being planned to get embedded with the wearable devices, which would help the seller to accumulate the usage, behavior and personal data about the wearer. This would also help the business to retain the customers. Sites like Youtube, Netflix etc, can track consumer’s search patterns and frequently viewed content, would help to recommend videos in line with their interests. Though the challenge that has to be overcome here, viewers would prefer to watch videos in varied channels, so the compatibility should be really high.

                The influence would be high in health care field. Wearable device today is able to track your activity status, tomorrow it would be able to interpret your complete health through your heart beat and sweat. A team of developers are currently working to come up with a wearable device that would be able to scan your food. The food sensor installed within the device would let you analyze the molecular level involved in the food that would control your consumption level. This tiny device would measure the calorie content along with fiber, nutrients, sugar and other necessary details about regarding your food and keeps you fit and precautious. This smart interpretation would not only enhance the sales potential, but also would lead the human beings to highly dependent on these devices. The influence of wearable devices would not be felt just on the health care industry, but also on all possible sectors. To mention some more, take an example of the education sector. Students tend to learn when fun can be ingrained as a part of academics. Wearable devices would let students to get the feel of the objects they study about; this would impart fun and knowledge clubbed together. In the field of military, vehicles can be fitted with the IOT device which would serve tracking purpose. Even devices are being designed for the soldiers to track their activity and health status. So, once wearable device reach a level of affordability and comfort, the influence that can be imparted is huge and varied.

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